What it means to be an Artist (A Poem by me)

The strength of an artist doesn’t lie
In the perfection of a stroke ,
Or the calculated, flawless arrangement
Of exact colours and impeccable form.
No. Rather, the strength of an artist lies
In the ability to see beauty in mess ;
To carve out from the depths of their deepest being
Something from the random
And life bursting out of nothing.
Their power lies in their gift of creating something that holds meaning :
Perhaps not for all,
But for a chosen few.
Let us not be artists who strive only to be perfect, to be applauded,
To fit into the mould of what is generally comprehended.
No, let us make originals from a genuiness of heart
That cares only to be true to the beating life
That pulsates from within,
And causes our souls to burst into flames
With a purpose only we can understand.