How a Christian Cult Stole my Childhood – Part 4
Answering your questions I can’t believe how long it’s been since I last wrote something about my childhood experience in a Christian...

The confessions of an awkward nail-salon client
The first time I ever went to a nail salon felt like such a treat. It was a birthday gift from a friend, and I couldn't wait to have...

Extra honey in our tea
Take a sick day, they say. Go on, you need it. Only, it's not that easy. Oh, you want to take a sick day, but because you're on a...

Why I think millennials (or at least this millennial!) are so ambivalent about kids
I've wanted to write this post for a while but refrained, as my mind has changed at least twice about the topic, and will continue to do...

What is home? Is it a place, a feeling, a person? Is it the place we were born or the place we grew up? Is it the place we've spent the...

Turning 32
Arg, can't believe I've just written *that* number. I also can't believe that it's been three years already since I wrote my list 'age'...

The year is 2021. It’s a fantastic year in many respects and a terrible one in others. A global pandemic; the likes of which you only...

What my first year as a UASC ESOL teacher has taught me
Not only have I had to learn this job on the go; I also had to Google what ‘UASC’ stood for after I accepted the position. In case you’re...

Mon expérience avec un test COVID faux-négatif (ou deux), et une société obsédée par la productivité
Il y a cinq ans, je me suis traînée au travail avec un abcès la taille d’une balle de golf sur ma cuisse. Ce bizarre et petit signe de...

My experience with a false-negative COVID-19 test (or two), and a productivity-obsessed society
Five years ago I literally dragged myself to work with a golf-ball sized abscess on my thigh. This odd, less-than-little sign from the...