Manchester. I woke up early on Tuesday morning, turned on my phone and read about the devastating attack that had taken place the night...

That sneaky little devil called Procastination, and some musings on art
I have a dream. Actually, I have a few. I want to play music for other people to enjoy in public venues (other than just at open mic...

Toxic People (Or you don't need that kind of negativity in your life)
This article isn't actually going to go the way you probably think it's going to go. I'm not going to start listing off all the kind of...

What it means to be an Artist (A Poem by me)
The strength of an artist doesn’t lie In the perfection of a stroke , Or the calculated, flawless arrangement Of exact colours and...

Gluten-Free Bread, Dewy-ness, Sunshine and Rainbows
Being on long-term antibiotics is completely un-fun. Insomnia, lower mood, less appetite... So I thought to myself, instead of focusing...

Good Morning, Lovely Day! (A breakfast to get up early for)
Have you ever stopped to look on the back of a box of cereal and read for yourself just how much sugar is in there? In a 30g bowl of...

Fate, Destiny, Choice or Tough Doughnuts?
This will probably be a slightly more philosophical article than what you're used to from me. My next one shall be injected with extra...

Mourning the Fantasy of a Flat Bottom
Last night I was sad. I was sad because I saw a dog on TV and I want a dog. I was sad because I've recently been carved like a turkey and...

How to Upgrade your Make-Up to Wedding-Guest Appropriateness
First of all, dear reader, I need you to understand that I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a professional when it comes to...